Announcing the 2023 MICRO MADNESS LONG LIST!
Congratulations to the writers of these micros! These are listed alphabetically by title.
If your work is here, please refrain from announcing which title is yours, as the judges are still deliberating.
Watch for the short list as those micros will be shared here, one each day June 1 – 22.
A Composition that Breaks Out of the Confines of the Canvas
A Darker Shade of Red
As the hearse pulls away
But Our Bodies Are Ours
Driving to Dunedin
Each person starts with a full deck
Family Traditions
From Dreams to Bits of Me
House Clearance
It is
It Skipped Like a Stone Casually Flung
Monday Night in Montreal City
On a beach that looks like the Maldives but really is ‘only’ Sicily
On the Inaccurate Interpretation of night-time noises
Only Time Will Tell
Paper Doll
Playing Pickle
Saturday at the Reclamation Yard
Splitting Birch Logs For The Woodstove
Still time
Taking Heed
The Bee and the Sun
The long way home
The Park
The World Upside Down
Unfranked, Sender to Return
Wall Space
When the Train Rattles Past, At The Street
Nau mai haere mai
22 JUNE 2023 – National Flash Fiction Day
Welcome to Micro Madness 2023!
A free international competition — all welcome.
The competition is open!
Please send your stories, up to 100 words, along with a bio up to 50 words, to:
Up to two micros per writer.
Submit by May 15.
We look forward to reading your micros!
2023 Judges
Mikaela Nyman was born in the autonomous, demilitarised Åland Islands in Finland and lives in Taranaki. Her latest poetry can be found in World Literature Today, Landfall 244, The Spinoff Friday poem, the climate change anthology No Other Place to Stand (AUP, 2022), and Trasdemar (in Spanish translation). Nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2020 for her first Swedish-language poetry collection När vändkrets läggs mot vändkrets (Ellips, 2019).
Her poem ‘Fem år senare’ was set to music by Finnish composer Peter Hägerstrand as part of the Åland Islands’ centenary celebrations 2022 and will be released as an album in February 2023. Co-editor of Sista, Stanap Strong! A Vanuatu Women’s Anthology (THWUP, 2021). Her first novel Sado was published by THWUP in 2020. Her second poetry collection in Swedish is forthcoming in 2023.
Kathy Fish’s short stories, flash fiction, and prose poems have recently appeared in Ploughshares, Washington Square Review, Waxwing Magazine, Copper Nickel, the Norton Reader, and Best Small Fictions. Her fifth collection, Wild Life: Collected Works from 2003-2018, is now in its 2nd print run with Matter Press.
She is a recipient of the Copper Nickel Editor’s Prize and a 2020 Ragdale Foundation Fellowship. Her highly sought after Fast Flash© workshops, begun in 2015, have resulted in numerous publications and awards for the hundreds of writers who have taken part.
She publishes a free monthly newsletter, The Art of Flash Fiction, which includes craft articles and writing prompts. She is currently seeking representation for her craft book of the same name.